Well this was an expected and very unexpected week all in one. Lets start with the good because God is so good. This past Sunday Joelle followed Christ in baptism. In July, at our Vacation Bible School, Joelle really began to understand sin and God’s good love. She has been asking about ‘becoming a Christian’ for over a year now, and until this Summer we had pushed her away gently praying that God would really show us when she truly understood the sacrifice Jesus made for her and what it would cost her to accept that.

There’s a fine line in childlike faith and parents who push their kids to know Jesus. We wanted to be as certain as we could so Joelle could always remember the day the Lord redeemed her, and this July it really seemed to come to the front of her heart. Even a child as well behaved, beautiful, and talented as Joelle is (we may be biased) she needs Jesus…we ALL do and I’m reminded of my need for Him every day.
What we love so much about Joelle’s redemption story is it had nothing to do with God’s anger or hell…it was His kindness and adoption of all of us that drew her in (Romans 2:4). So this past Sunday, Papa and Joelle jumped in the church baptistery so Joelle could publicly illustrate what Jesus did in her heart this summer…washed her clean and forgave without keeping a record.
It was such a special day. And might I add, the absolute most important decision she will ever make in life. That was her first step to a life filled with Christ. We are so grateful for family and friends that have encouraged her along the way. Our Children’s ministry played such a big role and helping Joelle understand the Bible. And her own story is a huge reminder to us all that God’s family knows no boundaries. After all, He adopted us in our deepest need.
Adoption can be hard…always worth it, but hard. You get looks and comments here and there, but for the most part people smile and go on with their lives. People that walk with you faithfully have lives to live too, and most people around will never understand how anxious you are about racism, equality, and justice for all people. You look at the world differently than most everyone around you, and that’s ok….especially on a day like Sunday when you watch your daughter so pridefully follow a Savior she may or may not have ever known. Joelle’s redemption story is still being written….but Sunday was a great reminder that before the earth began rotating around the sun, God had a plan for our little girl…and we believe one day we’ll see it happen for our little boy too! Adoption is beautiful…but a very small glimpse into the beautiful story God has created for us in His adoption of us!

Love you, Lemons family <3 <3 <3
Beautifully said…..
Amy, your family is beautiful!!
Do you mind sharing what agency you are using? We have been looking into a few.
Thanks for sharing your story and your faith! Glory to God. We don't always understand, but you are faithful and good! Amen!
I love reading your blog! One of my teaching colleagues led me to it. I'm a foster parent but ready to start the international adoption process. I'm wondering if you would share where/how you got started. Maybe if I give you my email? Thanks!
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Hi Amy,
I am a regular reader of your teaching blog but i have never read this blog before. I am not sure what made me click on it today… but I am so very glad that I did. I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your family. Your story and your writing is beautiful and I am sure that God is working through you.
We adopted my oldest daughter 10 years ago. She was actually a student of mine that was in a bad foster care situation. We became foster parents with the plans to adopt right away. "Right away" was over two long very difficult years. During that time SO MANY people told me they "could never" be foster parents because the risk was too great and it would be too hard. I feel like this post beautifully put into words what I have never quite been able to say… It's not always about the "happy ending"… it's about being open to loving one of God's children that needs to be loved… even if it breaks your heart.
This was incredibly beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I am very sure that God is doing "big things" through your beautiful little family.
Hi Amy. My name is Cassie and I am all the way from South Africa! I love reading your blog. Last month we brought home our precious daughter. Her adoption is still in progress but she is home with us. We have a few stumbling blocks to overcome because of the system here…there has been a hold on all adoptions, especially cross cultural ones. But we live by faith each day trusting in God's power and plan. I know that God used your blog to get me thinking about adoption. So thank you! Our lives are so much richer with Ruth. We are constantly reminded of God's great love for us. I don't think you will ever fully know the impact your blog will have!