When we heard that Santa would be on our Disney cruise, we could not have been more thrilled! He came out for a Christmas party, Christmas Story, and for Pictures with Santa. The kids LOVED getting to spend so much time with him!
Our two took a good 7-8 minutes of his time. They had a lot to talk about 🙂
Israel asked for a BIG T-Rex, Chewy the Rat (which is his way of saying Ratatoullie), and an electric car. He swerved a little from our original plan, ha!
Joelle asked for a 3D Pen, a Boogie Board, and KidzBop CD.
She also gave him the rundown of being from Africa and now living in Texas. It was so sweet to see her tell her story!
Israel finished off by asking Santa what he wanted for Christmas. Of course all Santa wanted was to spend time with all the wonderful children on the boat! It was a very sweet moment!
As for us, we are super excited that we don’t have to fight the crowds for our Santa pictures this year. We can officially check that one off the list!