After we spent three days in Samburu, we took about a 2 hour drive to Borana. Borana Conservancy lies at the foot of Mount Kenya in the Laikipia area. We so loved our time in Samburu, so we were a little worried about leaving. Would we have as good of a time? Would we see as many animals?
Extraordinary Journeys planned out our three days at Borana Lodge. The lodge is in the heart of Borana and has breathtaking views. On our very first day we saw all kinds of animals, including our first rhinos!
The climate in Borana was VERY different from Samburu. Samburu was the warmest place we stayed, though it was still cool in the mornings and evenings. Borana was pretty chilly. The elevation is around 6,000 feet so the weather was BEAUTIFUL. We definitely enjoyed being cold since summers in Texas are so hot.
In Borana we saw so many lions. Let me tell one thing that NEVER gets old…watching lions! Whether they are sleeping, eating, walking, playing…it truly doesn’t matter. I could watch them nap all day long! They are majestic!
We came across 2 lions that were calling for the rest of their pride. They make a deep groan much more often than they roar. We asked Joelle to pose with the lion calling her family and she gave us a very nervous smile, ha!

Jared got so many great pictures of the lions that night.
Israel loved going out for game drives every day. They were just so peaceful and relaxing. You would think 3-4 hours in a car would be boring, but they just sat back and enjoyed the ride. Animals are his favorite thing ever so that helped keep him interested.

Our first day in Borana was so great, but it only got better! Can’t wait for y’all to see what we saw on days 2 and 3 there!