Last year I told you all about our ornament tradition. You can read all about that HERE. Basically I order the kids three felt ornaments each Christmas to represent their year. Here’s what I ordered this year:
Israel’s ornaments:
- Cheetah – his favorite animal from our trip to Kenya
- Basketball – He played basketball in the winter and loved it! He also started taking basketball lessons this year.
- Captain America – He is still 100% obsessed with superheroes. We already have Spiderman and the Flash, so Captain America was next!
Joelle’s ornaments:
- Music note – Joelle ALWAYS has music on. She loves listening to music while she reads, showers, plays, practices… basically anytime!
- Basketball – Joelle may play soccer a lot, but basketball is her favorite sport. She would choose basketball over any other activity!
- Zebra – her favorite animal from our trip to Kenya this year.
I truly look forward to choosing their ornaments every year, but it’s even more exciting when we pull out all of the ornaments from years past. We always reminisce as we put them on the tree. Such a good time!