Let’s talk about Disney After Hours at Hollywood Studios. Disney sells a limited number of “special event tickets” at certain times throughout the year. You can use the ticket to stay in the park after everyone else has to leave. Since they only sell a limited number of tickets, the park is nearly empty, you can ride all the rides, and grabbing pictures with characters is quick. It may cost extra, but if you are visiting Disney during peak times, it is so worth it!
We were lucky to have some friends join us for our evening at Hollywood Studios. Disney is fun, but Disney with friends is even better!

During these special events, you also get “free” cokes, ice cream, popcorn, etc. It isn’t technically free because you pay the entrance fee, but it sure does feel free when they are handing out unlimited amounts!

We were able to ride 7 rides, meet and take pictures with 8 characters, and grab snacks whenever we wanted. That’s pretty incredible for just 4 hours!
Rides we rode: Tower of Terror x2, Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster, Toy Story, Flying Saucers, Slinky Dog, Star Wars
Characters we met: Olaf, Chewbacca, BB8, Buzz, Woody, Jessie, Mickey, Minnie
You can find more information about all the different Disney After Hours HERE. They offer special events at Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. It’s definitely worth looking into if you are planning a visit soon!